Password-Free Authentication

Beta Test the New Swoop

We’ve built several key enhancements to Swoop's password-free authentication service. Now it’s time for the fun part: We need you to test them out and tell us what you think. Sign up to access our upgraded features (for free, of course) and give us your feedback. You’ll be our password-slaying hero.

New Features

Password-Free MFA

Adding multi-factor authentication to your project has never been simpler: Just toggle on a PIN pad or enter your Twilio account details for SMS text as a second factor. 

MFA Panel@2x-1

Flexible Authentication Flows

Now you can choose whether your users authenticate with a Magic Link or Magic Message, or let users decide for themselves. The UI has been improved for your users, too. Just go to your developer dashboard to change your auth flow.

Improved Desktop Magic Message

Our signature Magic Message authentication now works universally on desktop devices via a simple copy-paste mechanism, eliminating errors in some browser/mail server edge cases. (Mobile users still get the classic Mailto experience.)


New Packages and Docs

Implementing Swoop is even easier with our new NPM packages for Node and Ruby Gems, as well as documentation on creating a Python + Flask application with Swoop. Check out our Developer Docs to see them.

Customizable Branding

Depending on when you first signed up for Swoop, this one may or may not be new to you. We just want to make sure you know about it, and you’re customizing your Swoop login flow so it looks less like us and more like you. Try it and out tell us how it looks!

Swoop Branding Dashboard